FileTitle: Joke410.html
Category: Humor
Type: Joke
Description: Bear and a Smart Rabbit
To the bear comes the wolf and says with a timid voice
"Hi, bear."
W: I heard you have a list.
B: Yes, I have.
W: And you kill everyone who is on this list??
B: Yes.
W: And... am I on it.
B: Let me check... Yes, you are.
W: Oh no, please. You can't do it. I'm young, I have two children...
Bear: Yes I know.
Wolf: But let me only to farewell with them, will you?
B: Yes, you can do that.
Wolf: Thanks a lot. I'll be right back.
   And he ran to his family. Shortly came the fox, and to make this story short
 the conversation between the fox and bear was very similar to the previous.
Finally, after a while comes the hare.
Hare: Hi, pussy-bear (I dont know a pet name for bear)
Bear: Hi What do you want.
Hare: Well, I heard you have a list of a sort?
B: Yes.
H: And You kill all the animals listed on it.
B: Yup.
Hare: So maybe you could strike me off of this list?
Bear: No problem.