FileTitle: Joke583.html
Category: Humor
Type: Joke
Description: A Million Ducks and a Piano Player
A man is walking down the street, until he comes to a bar with some good
piano music.  He walks inside to enjoy it some more, and he sees a little
tiny man, about a foot tall, jumping over the piano keys.

He goes to the bartender.  He asks "Where'd you ever find him?"  And the
bartender pulls out a magic lamp.  The bartender says "Here, rub this"  So
the guy rubs it and... Ta da... Out pops a genie!

"Your wish is my command!" Says the genie.  The guy doesn't even think twice
and shouts "I want a million bucks!"  And all of a sudden... He's surrounded
by a million ducks.

"What the hell," he says.  "I asked for a Million bucks"  The bartender bent
over and whispered, "Oh, Genie is a little hard of hearing.  Do you really
think I asked for a 12-inch pianist?"